Welcome to the Temple of the Human Spirit

The Temple of the Human Spirit is founded on the movement began by Ayn Rand in 1943 with the publication of “The Fountainhead.” It is dedicated on the principles exemplified by Howard Roark; rationality, independence, integrity, honesty, justice, productivity, purpose, pride and self-esteem: which we perceive to be the highest form of the human spirit. It is the human spirit, the spirit of reason, which has lifted man out of the dark ages and into the heavens. The skyscraper, the airplane, and the space shuttle are all monuments to the awe inspiring power of the human spirit, a power which no mystical belief can rival in its ability to achieve health, happiness and success.

The Temple promotes a rational worldview which, in addition to basic philosophy, encompasses ideological positions the fields of the special sciences that we identify as congruent with our fundamental premises.

The Badge of Man

“Then she understood that what she needed was the motion to a purpose, no matter how small or in what form, the sense of an activity going step by step to some chosen end across a span of time. The work of cooking a meal was like a closed circle, completed and gone, leading nowhere. But the work of building a path was a living sum, so that no day was left to die behind her, but each day contained all those that preceded it, each day acquired its immortality on every succeeding tomorrow. A circle, she thought, is the movement proper to physical nature, they say that there’s nothing but circular motion in the inanimate universe around us, but the straight line is the badge of man, the straight line of a geometrical abstraction that makes roads, rails and bridges, the straight line that cuts the curving aimlessness of nature by a purposeful motion from a start to an end. The cooking of meals, she thought, is like the feeding of coal to an engine for the sake of a great run, but what would be the imbecile torture of coaling an engine that had no run to make? It is not proper for man’s life to be a circle, she thought, or a string of circles dropping off like zeros behind him–man’s life must be a straight line of motion from goal to farther goal, each leading to the next and to a single growing sum, like a journey down the track of a railroad, from station to station” Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


“Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man’s values, it has to be earned—that of any achievements open to you, the one that makes all others possible is the creation of your own character—that your character, your actions, your desires, your emotions are the products of the premises held by your mind—that as man must produce the physical values he needs to sustain his life, so he must acquire the values of character that make his life worth sustaining—that as man is a being of self-made wealth, so he is a being of self-made soul—that to live requires a sense of self-value, but man, who has no automatic values, has no automatic sense of self-esteem and must earn it by shaping his soul in the image of his moral ideal, in the image of Man, the rational being he is born able to create, but must create by choice—that the first precondition of self-esteem is that radiant selfishness of soul which desires the best in all things, in values of matter and spirit, a soul that seeks above all else to achieve its own moral perfection, valuing nothing higher than itself—and that the proof of an achieved self-esteem is your soul’s shudder of contempt and rebellion against the role of a sacrificial animal, against the vile impertinence of any creed that proposes to immolate the irreplaceable value which is your consciousness and the incomparable glory which is your existence to the blind evasions and the stagnant decay of others.” Ayn Rand

Photo: Summer Hamori

Man’s Dominion over Nature

Man’s dominion over nature is not the result of a mystical process. Rather it is the result of his obedience to natural laws, and the use of his mind in accordance with them. Dominion of nature is not a gift or a birthright, it is a glory that has been earned by Man.